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Dress Code

In order to promote a safe and healthy school setting, and enhance the educational environment, students at Mt. Airy are required to wear uniforms. Our uniform dress code consists of the following:

Shirts — Must be white, navy or light blue. Shirts must have a collar such as a polo style shirt, button-up blouse or oxford button-up dress shirt.

Pants/Shorts/Capris — Students are permitted to wear khaki, navy blue or black bottoms. Students should also wear a solid color belt and a buckle that is smaller than two inches.

Shorts must be worn at an appropriate length which is considered two inches above the knee. Shorts may be worn during the months of August, September, April, May and June.

Skirts/Jumpers — Jumpers and skirts must be solid colors: navy, black or khaki. Jumpers and skirts must be worn at an appropriate length. The appropriate length is 2 inches above the knee.

Shoes — Students should wear closed toe shoes daily. Sandals, flip flops, and heels of any length are prohibited.

Additional Information

Our dress code requires proper attention to personal cleanliness and appropriate standards of dress and appearance at all times. Hats, sunglasses, flip flops, high heels, halter tops, spaghetti straps, bare midriffs, sweatpants, leggings, pajama pants and excessive jewelry are prohibited. Any items worn by students with inappropriate pictures, profanity, sexually suggestive or drug-related messages are also all prohibited.    

In order to remain comfortable when the building is cold due to the air conditioning or winter weather, please provide your child with a white, black or blue sweater or sweatshirt. The mentioned items must be plain unless it is Mt. Airy school spirit wear. Hoodies, coats and jackets will not be allowed in class. For more information about the uniform policy, view the Positive School Culture manual.