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The Formative Learning through Integrated Technology (F.L.I.T.E) Program at Mt. Airy School

At Mt. Airy School, we use technology tools in every classroom to open our students’ minds and ignite their curiosity. As students master technology and software applications, they will become digital citizens equipped with the 21st-century skills necessary to excel in high school and beyond.


What Does This Mean for Students?

The F.L.I.T.E. program will transform the learning experience for our students so they can confidently navigate the digital era. Part of the F.L.I.T.E. program is acknowledging that all students learn differently. We adjust our curriculum as needed to accommodate students’ different needs, strengths and learning styles.

The F.L.I.T.E. program will be implemented for grades 3–6 for the 2018–19 year, and for grades 2–6 the following academic year.

Mt. Airy students will benefit from:

  • One laptop or tablet per student
  • Exposure and access to new and innovative technologies, such as virtual reality, 3D printing, Google Classroom, graphic arts and coding
  • Development of reasoning and critical thinking skills through technology projects
  • More school events to showcase their talents, work and progress with parents and the community